Sunday, February 19, 2012

printmaking one

Here are the sketches I promised in last class.  The first one (of the mock before/after) is my current plastic etching idea from conception (the original-left) to completion on paper (the newest-right).

what are you so afraid of?

I'm disappointed that I have abandoned this blog for so long.  Thankfully I have been sketching again, and have been fairly productive in scanning them in.  Therefore I am going to be posting some below and in another post.  Sorry about the long wait. 

Most of these were done during or after classes in my sketch-journal.  I'm in Printmaking one this semester (my only art class sadly) so a lot of these were ideas for class that have either been dumped or did not make it into class so far (and will be re-worked as we progress).  I'm fairly disappointed I've been so lazy and have not been writing my notes for my gen. courses in my notebook, but it makes my sketchbook interesting I suppose.  Next post will all be recent Printmaking one idea sketches for plastic etching.  Btw, little sketch-journals make me happy.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

of these white nights

I could finally update this place here @MVNU. My parents bought me a forty buck printer/scanner and the scanner is not all that bad. Tad small so I can hardly scan things, but it does a decent job for being only forty dollars. I'll eventually buy myself just a scanner but for now, this works. This is just some of my new stuff in my Drawing 1 sketchbook (he requires we do one, he doesn't care what's in it, just that something is there). I'll try and post more later but at least there's something!♥

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

i'm pretty inconsistent

Soooo it's been like a month?  Yeah, I haven't stopped drawing but my tablet stopped working (literally about a day after my last post), and my camera - well you all know its pathetic story.  I'm moving up to my dorm on Friday so, uh, yeah, this place may become popular again (and actually receive updates).  Or maybe it will crash and burn for another month or two.  It all depends on if my camera can come out of its emo coma.  I will be trying to give you guys something before school, but I can't promise anything because well, my camera has periods of depression, and my scanner will no longer be my scanner come Friday (it is actually my mother's, and I just hoard it in my room.  it's not like I even use it because I'm lazy, but uh, you know when I get famous and have moneys-I'll buy my own).

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

oh happy days

My tablet has become my loyal servant again!  It finally let me un-install it properly and re-install it without a hitch.  This reminds of how much I need a new tablet though.  I decided I'll save up for one before I go to school.  Such as an Intuos of some sort!  Hopefully I can raise the money by then! (:

I drew this to commemorate my tablets recovery:

Frankenstein from Noblesse!

free sketches-

These are two out of three free sketches I did.  I'm not too proud of these do to me rushing them, but hopefully they are still enjoyed!  For the second one, I used my old style because it seemed more befitting than my new one.  Sorry about the terrible quality but my camera was being dumb, and my scanner is not working. :/

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


These are all from my new sketchbook (which is months old). 
It goes from least recent (back in March) to yesterday (the last one).  I am thinking of working with a couple of these in either SAI or PS, but my tablet has been so screwy and is not pressure sensitive anymore that it may be a hopeless cause for many months.